What If Your Ex Doesn’t Follow Your Utah Divorce Decree

by | Jan 17, 2020 | Divorce, Family Law Friday | 0 comments

A divorce decree is a set of rules that you and your ex have agreed on (or a judge has decided) or are going to govern every aspect of your dealings post-divorce.

Here are four things you should do if your ex doesn’t follow the divorce decree:

  1. Know your Decree
    • Make sure you know your decree before accusing your ex of not following it. Read through your divorce degree and make sure you’re abiding by all of the rules the judge laid out.
  2. Document and act now
    • Documentation can paint a picture of your ex’s overall behavior and your attempts to get him or her to do the right thing.
  3. Get an attorney, streamline process, award attorney fees
    • If you present an attorney with facts or evidence about how your ex has failed to comply with your divorce decree, they can evaluate what a judge is likely to do based on the facts, and take action accordingly.
  4. Make sure your hands are clean

For more information call JR Law Group at (801) 297-8545 to schedule an appointment or visit them online at jrlawgroup.com and Instagram: @jrlawgroup.

Join JR Law Group each Friday as we feature a new video covering different aspects of Divorce and Family Law.  Topics range from initial divorce proceedings, to child support and child custody, marital estate and asset distribution, alimony, adoption and more.

JR Law Group is a Salt Lake City based firm specializing in Divorce and Family Law.  To schedule a consultation or find out more, please contact us: (801) 297-8545

Disclaimer – This video is intended for informational purposes only.  Nothing in this video is to be considered as either creating an attorney-client relationship between the viewer and JR Law Group or as rendering of legal advice for any specific matter. Viewers are responsible for obtaining such advice from their own legal counsel. No viewer should act or refrain from acting on the basis of any information contained in the video or on JR Law Group’s Website without seeking appropriate legal or other professional advice on the particular facts and circumstances at issue.

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